TEL: 186 6069 6128

TNC 320 - compact contour machining CNC system for boring and milling machine tools

TNC 320 - compact contour machining CNC system for boring and milling machine tools

Due to its flexible operation - the dialogue format programming language or offline programming function of Heidenhain for workshop application - its rich functions are particularly suitable for multi-functional applications of milling, drilling and boring machine tools, such as:

Mass production or single piece production

Mold manufacturing

Machine tool production

research and development

Prototype production and test equipment

Repair shop

Education and training institutions


Due to its flexible operation - the dialogue format programming language or offline programming function of Heidenhain for workshop application - its rich functions are particularly suitable for multi-functional applications of milling, drilling and boring machine tools, such as:

Mass production or single piece production

Mold manufacturing

Machine tool production

research and development

Prototype production and test equipment

Repair shop

Education and training institutions

The 15 inch color TFT liquid crystal flat panel display clearly displays all the information related to programming, operation and machine monitoring of the machine tool and CNC system, such as program segments, annotation information and error information. The input program, test run and actual machining graphics can also provide more information.

Optional split screen display mode: half of the display screen displays part program segments, and the other half displays graphics or status information.

During program operation, the control system always provides tool position, currently running program and current cycle, coordinate transformation and other data information. TNC 320 can even display the current processing time.

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186 6069 6128